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Report an Incident

If you have experienced or witnessed a safety issue or concern, no matter how big or small, let us know.

Your safety and well-being is of the utmost importance to us. We are committed to providing a safe and healthy environment, and reporting concerns is an important part of ensuring this.

If you have experienced any form of violence or harassment, sustained an injury or identified a potential hazard, we encourage you to reach out to us and let us help. Having a record of all incidents (even if no injury occurred) will allow us to take preventive action to address the concerns you have raised.

If you report an incident, your case will be treated confidentially and with respect. You are able to report anonymously should you wish. All incidents reported will be responded to within 24 hours (where contact details are provided).



Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment and Other Misconduct

If you wish to report a crime against person, such as a specific instance of harm against (or a source of harm to) a person, such as sexual assault, sexual harassment, bullying, acts of violence, abuse, misconduct or other such incidences, please use the ºÚÁÏÍø Safe Community report form.


If you wish to report other incidents that compromise safety and security, such as a source of danger, security issue, act of disaster, property damage, non-violent criminal activity or other such incidents, then please use the Health and Safety report form.

Note: Incidents related to injuries must be reported within 12 hours of the incident occurring.

If you are in immediate danger and require urgent assistance, please call '000'. If you are on-campus, you can also call ºÚÁÏÍø Security on 6201 2222. Please use the prefix '0' if you are dialling from an internal UC phone. A full list of contacts can be found at the Where to Get Help page.


Hazards should be reported to your UC staff representative or security. Staff should report through the University of Canberra Service Portal